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The Script


“The Script…A Breakthrough Guide To Scriptwriting”

Author: Alyn Darnay

By Al McGhee

At first I thought, why would I need a book about scriptwriting, as it should be easy to write a screenplay? Just get a computer program that helps you write a script and you are on your way. I was recently introduced to the book “The Script…A Breakthrough Guide To Scriptwriting,” by filmmaker and author Alyn Darnay; and I now know that there is more to writing a film than that.
Everyone has a script hiding inside of them waiting to be written, this book brings it out. His informal, easy to understand writing style combined with his passion for filmmaking generates the enthusiasm for putting down the story that you have always wanted to tell in the form of a workable script for a movie or even a play.
It has all the elements needed to write your script including; creating original characters with their traits and mannerisms, making your characters multi-dimensional and compatible, creating their emotional interests and more.
The book helps to break down your characters and give them believable traits. Most people want to sit down and write a story and say here it is, but they never give their characters a personality. Darnay covers this important area and makes it easy to understand.
The book goes into all the facets you need to write a good screenplay. But what if you have already written that script and are stuck or not quite sure you want to send it to a filmmaker. This book is a great way to make sure it is ready for the scrutiny of filmmakers. It even has a chapter on “Stuck,” that will give you some ways of clearing your head.
The book also covers how to register and copyright your script. And don’t forget to read the page about completion of your script.
You can purchase the book from Alyn himself at HYPERLINK "http://www.ScriptWritingBook.com" \t "_blank" www.ScriptWritingBook.com. The cost of the book is only $18.95 plus a small charge for shipping. The book is not available at this time at major bookstore chains or online book outlets. And when you make your request for “The Script,” ask him to autograph it for you.


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